Thursday, February 25, 2010


As you all know I have been out volunteering the past couple days at the site of the Extreme Makeover Home Edition and I am headed back early in the morning.  I was able to go up and view the house today (don't have pictures of that because you are not allowed to take pictures).  The family is being blessed with a beautiful new home that will meet their needs.  The one need that has not been met yet is that they need a wheelchair accessible vehicle that can have a wheelchair lift installed for their son Jacob who has Spina Bifida.  The wheelchair lift has been donated already so Palm Harbor and Nationwide Homes are trying to make this a reality.  I was in the tent this evening when Dan came down, he is one of the higher ups on the project....I have been told his exact title with the company but for fear that I will give him the wrong title I am just letting you know he is of great importance to this project!  Anyways he shared with us that they have set up a fund for this and are trying to raise the money by Saturday which is reveal day.  So many people have brought it items and given of their time but they do feel this vehicle is a big thing that would drastically help them.  The family does not have a vehicle to support their needs for their son.  They are also trying to pay off their mortgage!  When Dan was speaking about this I told him I would go home and get to the blog, facebook, and email with this.  I know so many of you contribute to so many things but as he pointed out if you tell 10 friends and they each donate even $1-5 and then they tell 10 friends then the money will start to add up quickly to help this family out with one of their greatest needs.  If any of you are able to just do a few dollars that would be awesome.  If you are able to donate leave me a comment and there will be a surprise in it for you!  
Go to this site here and there is a paypal link to the right.  Dan is in that video above the paypal link.  He is the guy on the right.  

Here are a few pictures to share with you!

Dan with Nationwide Homes
This lady was donating this laptop to the family!
The two ladies are from Nationwide Homes and the guy on the right is with Extreme!  He is the man that brings down the blue shirts.  I am sure that is a job of many he does!
The Columbus Cottonmouths


  1. The Grizas donated! I will also blog this!

  2. We donated! So glad you were able to help out with this. Wish I had the time.

  3. Thanks! I know this family will be so appreciative of all the donations!


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