Friday, November 20, 2009

Five Question Friday

1. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?

Yep!  I started 4-5 years ago and I get up very very early and go shopping by myself.  I usually head to Kohl's 1st!  I love a deal but I do hate the crowds!

2. What was your favorite childhood toy?

Well the Easy Bake Oven is a sore subject with me because while yes I had plenty to play with I NEVER had an Easy Bake Oven!  My daughter will get one very early! Ha!  I played with Cabbage Patch Kids and Barbies.  I even had a lot of little cars I loved to play with and I would ride them up and down the fireplace and the individual bricks were parking places.
3. Favorite Christmas Movie?
Christmas Vacation~Hysterical
Charlie Brown Christmas~Classic

4. What is the must have item on your Christmas list this year?
Money!, laptop, I-Phone, Columns for the House (the dream list)

Maggie and I are getting matching pink snuggies!  I usually get perfume and I love getting pajamas and socks!  Love some fuzzy socks!

5. Do you go all out with the decorations or do you keep in simple?

Since we bought our house last year and it was our 1st Christmas in our house together I went all out!  Each room has a tree! Even the bathrooms have a little one and there is one for the pets in the laundry room!  Each room has somewhat of a theme/color.  Now if only I could get all of it put out and get these boxes put away!  I told Cas the next house we buy I will be scoping out if it has good places to put trees!  I want a big window for our main tree!

1 comment:

  1. Were your succeeding Christmases filled with trees too? Yes, the best place to put the main tree would be somewhere with a big window to frame it. You won't have to worry so much on deco with big windows and snow in the background!


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